
The Future Finally Looks Green

Green Hydrogen Generation from Waste

SolarX Team
Jul 12, 2024

The world is increasingly turning to renewable energy sources to combat climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. One promising avenue is the generation of green hydrogen from waste. Utilizing waste not only addresses energy needs, but also tackles the alarmingly fast growing problem of waste management.

Did you know that we need 1.8 earths in total to sustain the amount of waste we are generating per year?

Trash 1

This blog post explores the intricacies of generating green hydrogen from waste and how IKIN, an international company focused on the circular economy, together with SolarX, uses a process called “Gasification” to create green hydrogen.

What is Gasification?

Gasification is a process that transforms organic or fossil-based materials into a gas mixture called syngas or synthesis gas. This is done by heating the materials to high temperatures (over 700°C) without burning them. Syngas can be used to produce green hydrogen, electricity, food grade CO2, synthetic fuels, and pharmaceutical chemicals. It is also captured directly, meaning it releases absolutely no gas into the environment.

Origins of Gasification Machines

There are two main types of Gasification Machines, traditional High-Pressure machines, and the newly developed Low-Pressure machines.

High-Pressure Gasification Machines

High-pressure gasification machines have their roots in industrial applications. Developed to handle large volumes of waste, these machines operate at significantly higher pressures. While this high-pressure environment allows for more efficient conversion of waste into hydrogen, it also represents a higher investment, O&M costs, and higher industrial risk, making them mostly suitable for large-scale operations.

The Future of Gasification, Low-Pressure Machines

Low-pressure gasification machines have their origins in small-scale, decentralized energy systems. They were initially developed to provide localized energy solutions, particularly in rural or isolated areas where large infrastructure investments are impractical. These machines are designed to operate at atmospheric or slightly elevated pressures, making them simpler and less costly to build and maintain.


New Player in The Green Hydrogen Game

IKIN is an international company now collaborating with Spanish, South Korean, and Latin American companies to manufacture, sell, install, and operate these machines worldwide.

IKIN’s technology can process all types of waste with minimal separation, making it ideal for regions without established waste sorting practices. While that may not seem like much, this versatility allows the machine to operate effectively anywhere, from industrial applications to rural communities, significantly impacting global waste management and sustainability.

Here are some of the best qualities of these newly developed gasification machines:

  • Virtually no waste separation required,
  • Can process all sorts of carbon-based waste into green hydrogen and syngas, (urban waste, agricultural waste such as crop waste and livestock waste, industrial production plant waste, etc.)
  • Reduces all waste it processes by 90%,
  • Modular, meaning several machines can be quickly installed in one spot to increase syngas production and waste consumption if needed,
  • Operates practically all year without stopping,
  • Low investment requirement,
  • Fast installation,
  • Low-pressure = safe and easy to operate.

Where SolarX Comes In

IKIN has recently partnered with SolarX to secure investments for machine orders personally requested by the presidencies of several Latin American countries.

The following countries have initiated projects utilizing these machines:

  • Colombia: 86 machines
  • El Salvador: 58 machines
  • Guatemala: 45 machines
  • Mexico: 25 machines

The Future Looks Green

The development of these low-pressure gasification machines marks a significant advance in sustainable energy. By converting solid urban waste into green hydrogen, these technologies address waste management and renewable energy challenges. IKIN's versatile, low-pressure machines offer scalable solutions for both industrial and rural settings. With the support of IKIN and recent orders from Latin American governments, SolarX is poised to make a substantial impact on global waste reduction and green hydrogen production, paving the way for a more sustainable future.


Interested in acquiring this revolutionary machine? Ready to drastically reduce your waste? Contact us and we’ll help you do so.

SolarX Team
SolarX is an app for investing in solar energy with a 15% annual return (APR) and a minimum investment of $10. Users from over 100 countries can invest in industrial solar energy through a Renewable Energy Investment Trust (REIT). Profits from sold energy are distributed monthly, combining financial returns with a positive environmental impact.

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