
Tech stack behind SolarX

A quick summary of all the tools that were used for building SolarX

Eddy Hernandez
May 6, 2024

SolarX is build using the T3 Stack, this stack is the best way for building Full Stack applications. It excels in:

  1. Web Development
  2. Mobile Development
  3. Server-side Development

What does this stack consist of?

Consists of:

  • React.js: The best library for front-end development, as the community says, "Always bet on React".
  • Next.js: Simplifies running server capabilities such as server-side rendering, SEO, and more.
  • TypeScript: JavaScript with static typing. Improves developer experience, and catches bugs during development.
  • tRPC: It makes building APIs easy and facilitates communication between the frontend and backend.
  • Prisma: Makes working with databases easy, improves overall developer productivity, and supports both SQL and NoSQL.
  • NextAuth.js: A complete authentication solution for Next.js applications.
  • Tailwind: Makes CSS easy. A CSS framework that makes it easier to maintain a consistent design across the application.

Other tools outside T3

  • React Native: The best way to create cross-platform mobile apps is by using React. It allows code reuse between iOS and Android, reducing development time and effort.
  • Expo: Expo is a toolset for React Native that simplifies the development workflow by handling common tasks like building, deploying, and managing dependencies.
  • Turborepo: Simplifies working with monorepos.
  • Vercel: Working with AWS and the edge becomes easier with this all-in-one solution.

What about databases?

  • MongoDB: a scalable NoSQL database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, providing high performance for web and mobile applications.
  • Redis: an in-memory data store commonly used for caching and session storage. It improves performance by efficiently retrieving frequently accessed data.

And design?

  • Figma: The best tool for creating wireframes and prototype designs.
Eddy Hernandez
Eddy es el cofundador, co-CEO y CTO de SolarX. Con experiencia en desarrollo front-end, back-end y móvil, fue ingeniero fundador en una startup de Y Combinator. Autodidacta en programación, tiene una ingeniería en Computer Science. Originario de Monterrey, México, ahora está construyendo una startup en Austin, Texas.

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